The disused railways of Vienna’s western line is transformed into the Westpark. Based on an intelligent rainwater management, the area becomes an atmospheric climate buffer. Formerly separated by tracks, the district merges into one continuous green zone and functions as an important urban fresh air corridor and a versatile recreation park. As a result of the water retention qualities of the new park, the adjacent Wien River is released from the task of managing historic flooding, enabling the opportunity for it to become a new mobility axis.
Due to the new focus of long distance railway traffic towards Vienna’s main station, a unique chance opens up to overcome and reinterpret the infrastructural railway corridor separating Vienna’s 15th district and linking it to the vicinity lacking in green space. As a connected green space with macro climatic importance, it gains new recreational qualities with further options for alternative mobility. Through intelligent rainwater management and flood prevention of the Westpark, the interlinked Wien River-bed can now serve more functions than merely water regulation. Local surface water can finally seep into the ground and evaporate in an atmospheric orchestration.
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